
who are you?

Hi there! My name is Castiel, and this is my website! I'm fairly new to coding and I don't expect to get much better anytime soon, so this is more of a fun side-project to satisfy my need to use web graphics.

I'm 19 years old and in my freshman year of college! My pronouns are they/she; I identify as agender as well as biromantic asexual. I'd also like to take the time to mention that I struggle with GAD, SAD, ADHD-PI (ADD), and PTSD. I'm also Jewish. I'm involved in the grunge subculture; aside from art, I'm super interested in angels, history, psychology, and the various fandoms I'm in! I'm actually quite shy about my OCs, so I don't know how active I will be (though I am working on it). Despite this, I do hope you choose to follow me and maybe even be my friend! Thank you so much for stopping by; don't be a stranger!


stephs room

Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

My identity is
activist, admirer, adorant, agender, ambiguous, amoeba, amorous, andro, androgynous, angel, animal lover, artsy, asexual, bent, bi-romantic, big sister, boigrrl, boy hater, boy lover, brunette, caring, clockable, confidant, counselor, creative, cuddly, daughter, dork, dude, fag, faggot, fanboy, female impersonator, feminist, friend, friend of Dorothy, friendly, full of love, gay, gay-friendly, geek, gender abolitionist, gender atypical, gender blender, gender liberationist, genderfree, genderfuck, girl, girl lover, grrl, homo, huggly, huggy, impersonator, ineffable, intelligent, introvert, LGBT, little sister, lovely, lover, loving, male impersonator, misunderstood, NEVER!, odd, out-ish, passionate, passive, platonic, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-sex feminist, queer, queer liberationist, queer-friendly, quirkyalone, radical, recreational gender blender, right-brained, sacrificial lamb, same gender loving, sapphist, scrat, sensitive, sexless, shy, sister, snuggly, socialist, spiritual, sweet, theater fag, trans-friendly, treehugger, trustworthy, understanding, weird, working class
What's yours?